Naomi Osaka breaks down in tears for her first press conference since May

Naomi Osaka made her comeback at a press conference on the WTA Tour on the occasion of her entry into the tournament in Cincinnati. She had not taken part in the exercise since May, creating controversy at Roland Garros where she had shown her willingness not to take part in any press conference before withdrawing from the tournament despite her victory in the first round. She then skipped Wimbledon to sort out her anxiety issues, a move that sparked controversy but garnered support from various figures.

“It’s something I needed to do for myself. Initially, I stayed at home for a few weeks and was embarrassed to go out because I didn’t know if people would see me differently, ”Osaka explained at its first press conference, in traditional format, since. the Rome tournament in the spring. “The revelation for me was to go to the Olympics, when the athletes came to me to tell me that they were very happy with what I had done,” she continued.

Rethinking press conferences

Osaka, whose father is Haitian, announced last week that it wanted to offer all of the earnings it will receive during the Cincinnati tournament to victims of the earthquake in Haiti. This press conference preceded his entry into the tournament. Later, at the same conference, she broke down in tears over another question.

At the end of July, Osaka had estimated that “the format of press conferences is outdated and should be reviewed”, in a column for Time magazine: “I think we can improve it, make it more interesting and more enjoyable for everyone. world, ”she wrote. “My intention was not to launch a call for revolt, but rather to have a critical point of view on the way of working and to ask what it is possible to do better”, she justified herself since. .

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