Nantes resident Mohamed absent for the day to fight homophobia… like last year

Every year, it’s the same story. And yet, it is not for lack of compromise on the part of the LFP. Postponement of the day to combat homophobia until the very end of the season, so as not to interfere in sporting issues, that would be stupid, and removal of rainbow jerseyswhich visibly offended consciences, for a much more discreet device: two modest-sized badges, i.e. the competition logo with LGBT+ colors, and the word homophobia crossed out in red.

But it’s already too much for some, so FC Nantes striker Moestega Mohamed. Already sanctioned last season for having skipped the match against Toulouse because of so-called “threats” received on his networks during the day of the fight against homophobia in football in 2022-2023, the Egyptian is reportedly in the process of to do it again this Sunday, according to our colleagues of West France. Neither injured nor excused by the club, the player is not part of the group selected to face Monaco at Louis-II in a match with almost no stakes for the two teams. we tell you the end of the story. No one will take responsibility, and the club will settle for a nice fine while taking refuge behind the man’s sporting record so as not to go further with the sanctions. Until when, honestly?

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