Nanoleaf 4D: My TV lights up like a Christmas tree

Some things don’t change the world. But they make our everyday lives a little more pleasant. Or they are just nice to have. Or even both. The ZEIT-ONLINE series “nice and useful” is about these gadgets and apps.

A while ago I bought a new television. Sure, many people only watch Netflix on projectors or smartphones. But I need something to which I can connect game consoles and set-top boxes and what can I say: I like big screens and I cannot lie.

Televisions were also on the shortlist Phillips‘ Ambilight technology: televisions that illuminate the wall behind them with colorful light that matches what is being seen on the screen. This should make the image appear larger and be relaxing for the eyes. In the end, the Ambilight televisions were too expensive for me, and I also found other features from competing manufacturers better. But I haven’t completely given up on the idea of ​​the glowing television yet. Because it does seem cool, at least in the electronics market and on YouTube.

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