Nairo Quintana’s appeal against his disqualification rejected by the Court of Arbitration for Sport

The disqualification of Nairo Quintana from the Tour de France 2022 is confirmed. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Thursday rejected the Colombian’s appeal against his disqualification during the last Tour de France due to the use of tramadol, a painkiller prohibited by medical regulations.

The sports court considered, according to its press release, that the presence of tramadol in the blood of the 32-year-old climber, who had ranked sixth in the Grande Boucle, was sufficient to justify the sanction imposed by the International Cycling Union (UCI). August 17. Especially since the UCI cracked down “for medical reasons and not for a reason for doping”, therefore within the framework “of its power and its disciplinary competence”, continues the CAS, which had been seized at the beginning of September by the Colombian.

Tramadol, banned by the UCI since 2019

Tramadol, a synthetic opiate, has long been “under surveillance” by the World Anti-Doping Agency without appearing on its list of prohibited products, which prohibited sports federations from including it in their anti-doping regulations, before finally ban from 2024.

But the UCI, noting the particularly widespread use of this product in cycling, banned it in early 2019 via its medical regulations. Thursday, in a press release, the UCI “welcomed the decision rendered by the CAS”, considering that it “reinforced the validity of the ban on tramadol to protect the health and safety of riders”.

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