Mysterious Jachenau – Bavaria –

The Jachenau is one of the most remote areas in Bavaria. In the summer months, the valley is haunted by convertible drivers from all over the world. But anyone who covers the 32 kilometers between Einsiedl and Lenggries by car on a cold winter evening almost feels like a troublemaker.

The Jachenauers don’t make it easy for you either. Visitors coming from the west have to sneak along the toll road on the banks of the Walchensee. This is dangerous because the road there is narrow and icy. In addition, the view wanders up again and again to the starry sky, which shines spectacularly in this dark corner at the new moon. It is easy to overlook all kinds of animals on the ground that do not obey the traffic regulations. Obviously, all the foxes from the Upper Bavaria district meet there for the annual general meeting at the beginning of January. According to hearsay, this year it is about questions of hunting (recognize, avoid and report hunters), vaccination (boosters against Tollwood?) And species protection (yes to wolf-free zones).

Anyone who has passed the narrow point in the Mühle district opens up a valley that differs from all others in Bavaria because there is neither a large industrial area, a wellness hotel or other giant boxes here. The Jachenauer – half of whom are called Danner – apparently want to get rid of their guests in the evening so that they can have their peace and quiet. The farms are spread out so confidently in the landscape, as if Bavaria were still an agricultural state. The most beautiful courtyards are adorned with baroque air paintings so that everyone knows that the farmers have achieved something.

You don’t dare to photograph such a castle without permission. The visitor decides to ring the doorbell, and while he is still wondering how he will be chased from the yard, a girl (or better said: Deandl) opens the door and says: “D’Mama is not do, but de kimmd same as. ” D’Mama then very kindly grants permission to take photos. Your yard with the Christmas tree in front of it will be photographed all the time.

On the drive towards Lenggries, only two deer jump over the road, then you are back out of Jachenau, which belongs to itself again for one night.

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