Murnau: Klo slows down speed cameras – Bavaria

Perhaps the matter that the police in Murnau are allowed to deal with will be worked up in the theoretical driving test. For example, the question could be as follows:

You are driving your car and see a speed camera on the side of the road. What are you doing?

A) You obey the speed limit.

B) You make an appointment to have your teeth cleaned so you can flash back in the next speed camera photo.

C) You reply to the decision from Flensburg that you, as a Bavarian, feel unfairly treated by the north.

D) They stop and get a toilet from the trunk, blocking the camera’s field of view.

Especially answer D) sounds unlikely? Not for drivers who drove along Kohlgruber Straße in Murnau last weekend. Because, in fact: strangers had draped a porcelain bowl in front of the lens of a mobile speed camera trailer in such a way that flashing was out of the question. Photos of this unusual measuring arrangement soon made the rounds on the internet, including creative wording. The Picture-Zeitung, for example, wrote about “toilet instead of tickets” and “Lokus-rags”. And the Allgäu portal all in reported that this time there was no “big business” with fines.

For the local police, on the other hand, the whole thing should go under – pardon – “reach into the toilet”. She now has the certainly welcome task of looking after the “toilet vandals” (also Picture) to search. As if some motorists wouldn’t already do enough to avoid being fined, if not by lightning. Hiding behind the sun visor folded down, pleading for sudden diarrhea, blaming it on the dog in the lap – it’s all been there. A few years ago, a drunk in Stephansposching, Lower Bavaria, even stole the speed camera that had just caught him with 160 km/h. It’s just stupid that the device had long since transmitted the recording.

In the face of such jokes, one might almost forget that there is a much simpler way to fend off tickets. Answer A) is of course correct – and free of charge.

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