Murder suspect for stabbed MP pleads not guilty

The 25-year-old man arrested after the death of British MP David Amess, stabbed in October during a parliamentary duty, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to murder and preparation for a terrorist act.

Ali Harbi Ali is charged with the murder of David Amess, 69-year-old Conservative MP and father of five, stabbed to death on October 15 while speaking to his constituents at a Methodist church in Leigh-on-Sea , about 60 kilometers east of London. He is also accused of preparing acts of terrorism between May 1, 2019 and September 28, 2021.


The young man appeared on Tuesday before the court of the Old Bailey, in London, which judges criminal cases. During a hearing lasting about 30 minutes, Ali Harbi Ali, who was wearing a blue sweatshirt and gray jogging pants, his arms crossed and his face covered with a mask, did not expressed that to confirm his identity and indicated that he was pleading not guilty. He has been remanded in custody pending trial which is due to start on March 21. The death of David Amess had shocked the country, recalling the trauma of the assassination of Labor MP Jo Cox in June 2016 by a right-wing extremist, just before the Brexit referendum.

Arrested at the scene of the murder, Ali Harbi Ali was born and raised in London to a family of Somali descent. He had, according to British media, briefly followed a program to fight radicalization, without being considered at risk by the security services. The police had mentioned “a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism”, while the prosecution had mentioned “both religious and ideological motivations”.

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