Munich’s SPD and Greens are calling for more open-air spaces for culture – Munich

The problem is not new that the SPD / Volt and the Green / Pink List are now tackling: “Munich needs more open-air spaces.” The opening of the fair for three giant rock shows in 2022 will not change that. The Königsplatz with its restrictions, the Olympic Stadium, which will soon be refurbished – where else can open-air culture grow? According to a city council proposal by the coalition parties, this is supposed to be clarified by a round table at which the responsible departments, district committees, associations, event collectives, Olympiapark GmbH and trade fair come together “to discuss unused potential”. City councilor David Süß (The Greens) justified this with “in some cases considerable conflicts of use, which were clearly revealed during the corona pandemic”. Julia Schönfeld-Knor (SPD) wants “guidelines for the allocation of event spaces that also take sustainability, diversity and artistic demands into account”.

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