Munich: wrong craftsman on the run – Munich

Fake craftsmen have gained access to the apartment of an 80-year-old woman from Munich in order to rob her. The two thieves had approached the pensioner in the entrance area of ​​her apartment in Altperlach and claimed that they had to repair damage to her, the police reported. The 80-year-old let the men in, but she soon noticed that the alleged craftsmen were behaving unprofessionally. When she also noticed that a jewelry box had disappeared from the bedroom, she stood in the way of the thieves, who were about to flee. There was a scuffle, the pensioner called for help. A 44-year-old neighbor tried to hold one of the two fugitives and was injured in the head. The thieves were able to escape, but one of the two was quickly arrested by the police. The second is still being sought.

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