Munich: Where and how to help Ukraine – Munich

Cultural Center Gorod-GIK eV

The cultural center helps Ukrainian refugees to find supplies and orientation in Munich. It is also looking for drivers to bring people from the Ukrainian border to Germany. Accommodation for refugees is also needed and donations for food and water are collected. Donations in kind are accepted at Arnulfstraße 197. Currently, moving boxes are needed to pack the donations, but also medical products and kitchen appliances.

More information is available on Instagram (@hilfefurflinglingeua). Offers of help of any kind can be sent to [email protected]. Donation account: IBAN DE95 7015 0000 1001 2420 62, reference: “Donation for Ukraine”.

Initiative LMU Students for Ukraine

The student initiative of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) presents various initiatives in which one can participate. The students are looking for volunteers to help with the loading and sorting of the relief supplies, which are then to be handed over to the Ukrainian parish in Munich.

More information is available on Instagram (@lmu_ukraine) or by email to: [email protected]

Ukrainian Greek Catholic community

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Parish of Maria Schutz collects sleeping pads, sleeping bags, bedding and hygiene items. Medical bandages, blood bags, and non-prescription pain relievers and medications are also accepted. Anyone who would like to take in or accompany refugees for a short time can also contact the municipality. Monetary donations are also accepted. All donations in kind can be handed in daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Schönstraße 55.

More information is available online at Donation account: IBAN: DE29 7509 0300 0102 1032 57, purpose: “War victims in Ukraine”.

Ukrainian Free University

The Ukrainian Free University is organizing the return of students and teachers from Ukraine to Munich – and is looking for accommodation for them. In addition, the university cooperates with the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic community, where donations in kind can be handed in. The donations are used to buy medicines and things that the victims of the war urgently need.

Donations can be made to the parish account. More information is available at

Help Ukraine Germany

The art director Anna Rai, who lives in Munich, has started the aid campaign Help Ukraine Germany together with Ukrainians and Russians, which organizes the transport of aid supplies. The campaign is diverse, says Andriy Shvets from Help Ukraine. They would enlighten and inform German citizens and relay the words of the Ukrainian President. But humanitarian aid is also urgently needed. After about a week, Shvets is overwhelmed by the large number of volunteers: “It’s crazy, I could never have imagined how helpful the population is”. Insulin and protective equipment such as helmets and vests are urgently needed. Medicines and other donations in kind can be handed in at Almedeka at Einsteinstraße 96 until Sunday, March 6, during the week from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on weekends from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. More information at

Initiative Munich Kyiv Queer

To protect the LGBTIQ community from Ukraine, Munich Kyiv Queer has set up a petition and two fundraisers in cooperation with other alliances and organizations. Sören Landmann, co-initiator of the Queere Nothilfe Ukraine alliance, says that money and political decisions based on solidarity are urgently needed to help people out of their misery quickly. Conrad Breyer, spokesman for Munich Kyiv Queer, adds that people are also being sought who can provide psychological care for refugees, translate into Ukrainian and Russian, or offer accommodation. Petition and fundraiser are below to find.

City of Munich & Munich Volunteers – We help eV

The press office of the city’s social department refers to the association “Munich volunteers – we help”. The non-profit association coordinates the placement of accommodation for refugees. Housing, donations in kind and relief supplies can be offered online using a form.

The online forms and further information are available at . Anyone who would like to support incoming Ukrainians can also send an e-mail to [email protected] with the keyword “Ukraine-Hilfe”. In addition, the city of Munich has set up a donation account to support the people in the twin city of Kyiv. Donation account: IBAN: DE86 7015 0000 0000 2030 00, purpose: “Solidarity Ukraine”.

Caritas Munich and Upper Bavaria

Monetary donations are also accepted by Caritas Munich and Upper Bavaria. The money goes to their partner organization, Caritas Ukraine, which coordinates the aid on site. The donations are used to pay for food, drinking water, hygiene items, heating material and medical aid.

More information at Donation account: IBAN: DE88 6602 0500 0202 0202 02

Diaconia Disaster Relief

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe also collects monetary donations. Food and drinking water are to be distributed on site and emergency shelters are to be provided. Donations can be made using the online form: Donation account: IBAN: DE68520604100000502502

Shelter in Bavaria

A collective around the City Club Augsburg developed the online platform shelter in bavaria. In this way, people from Bavaria who can offer temporary or permanent accommodation or other help can be easily placed. The collective also has contact with people who take care of transports at the borders. Alina Derya Yakaboylu from the collective emphasizes that people who can interpret are particularly sought after to help mediate between refugees and people who can offer rooms. Drivers are also wanted, “but any other type of help is valuable.”

Munich table eV

The Münchner Tafel has set up a free information hotline for refugees and the people who are hosting them. From now on, those seeking help will be accepted unbureaucratically at the food bank’s distribution points and will be supplied with food there every week until further notice. It’s very unbureaucratic, says Steffen Horak from the Münchner Tafel: “The person should simply report and we’ll give you the information about which distribution point you can stop by.” Even if people from Munich want to help in other ways, they can simply contact a distribution point or the hotline.

Info hotline: 0800 – 200 44 60

More information at: or on Instagram @muenchnertafel

Extraordinary Events Staff

The city will bring a transport with relief supplies to Kyiv. Munich residents are asked to donate money instead of items. This would be used to procure relief supplies that are now urgently needed on site, according to Mayor Dieter Reiter.

Donation account: IBAN: DE86 7015 0000 0000 2030 00, purpose: “Solidarity Ukraine”

Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association DEHOGA

The Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association calls on its member companies to indicate free accommodation options for refugees. The feedback would be collected and forwarded to the responsible authorities, according to Angela Inselkammer (DEHOGA Bayern). Businesses that are not organized through DEHOGA should also get in touch. Free rooms can be requested informally using the online form at be entered.

rational theater

Starting next week, the Rationaltheater will be offering initial accommodation for six refugees from Ukraine. The stage will be converted into a dormitory, showers and toilets will be made available in the artist’s cloakroom. From there, the families are then allocated to accommodation that can be used for several weeks free of charge. Further vacant housing is being sought in Munich and the surrounding area. If someone can offer something, Jurij Diez ([email protected]) or Elena Llopis ([email protected]) should be contacted.

Medical supply store Schwabing

The Munich medical supply store is organizing a fundraiser under the hashtag #KrückenfürUkraine. Items collected include wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and bandages. From now on, used orthopedic aids will be accepted from private individuals during shop opening hours (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) at Bonner Straße 2. DB Schenker takes care of the weekly transport to the Ukraine and to the refugee camps in the border areas. Further information is available by phone at 089-37012032 or by email [email protected]

pomp dog

The Munich shop for dog accessories is in contact with an animal shelter in Hungary, where many refugees are currently arriving with animals. We are looking for free kennels, transport baskets, rooms and foster homes in Munich. You can drop off food donations for dogs and cats at Prunkhund (Lutzstraße 25a) until Friday, March 4th, which will then be taken to Hungary. The feed is distributed to animal shelters near the border. Volunteers are also being sought who can transport the donations to Hungary on Friday. Prunkhund will bear the costs for this. Information on exactly what is required is always updated at

Bavaria-wide website with offers of help to Ukrainians

With a website specially set up by the Ministry of the Interior, the many offers of help in Bavaria for war refugees from the Ukraine should be better coordinated. On the website all citizens could immediately deposit offers of help in an uncomplicated manner.

Interpreters and people with Ukrainian language skills who could provide support with visits to the authorities or the like are particularly in demand. In addition, offers for apartments and transport services could be uploaded to the website. The offers would then be coordinated and bundled by the governments and municipalities, who would approach the providers if necessary. Herrmann recommended asking the organization in question exactly what they needed most before making a donation. “In the current situation, monetary donations allow more flexibility, since there are no complex transport and logistics issues,” said Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann.

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