Munich: What the international knitting festival “Munich Knits” has to offer – Munich

Brioche, if you’re thinking of a French yeast pastry, you’re right, but you can definitely learn something by visiting the “Munich Knits” knitting festival in the Fat Cat (old Gasteig). Knitting and crochet enthusiasts from Munich, all over Bavaria, Austria and other European countries meet there. Beginners are also invited, who can learn in workshops, for example, that brioche is also a knitting technique: a two-color patent pattern that, according to the course instructor, is pretty “easy peasy” to learn.

Apart from the workshops by international knitting and crochet designers and influencers (such as “Socks your Way”, where various heel techniques are demonstrated), the festival offers exchanges with like-minded people, whose number increased during the lockdown times, as even Michele Obama had the needles rattling , has risen sharply. At a market with 45 exhibitors, the community can also stock up on hand-dyed yarns, wool from regional-local flocks and manufacturers or processed leftover production from Italy, as well as needles and needle cases, spindles and combs.

Anyone who made it through the lockdowns felt it, aching shoulders and wrists, not to mention strained eyes. At Munich Knits, this is also taken into account: you can learn relaxation exercises for everyday knitting. And because there should be advanced multitaskers at the needles who can also read at the same time: In keeping with the hobby, there is a book recommendation at the festival in the Fat Cat: Leonie Kramer reads from her crime novels “Maschenmord” and “Wollwut”.

International knitting festival Munich Knits, Sat./Sun., 2./3. December, Fat Cat (old Gasteig),

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