Munich: What is improving – and what is not? – Munich

City Hall coalition tracker:What is improving in Munich – and what is not?

Town hall coalition tracker: Between May and November 2021, the green-red coalition in Munich advanced projects - but there were also setbacks.

Between May and November 2021, the green-red coalition in Munich advanced projects – but there were also setbacks.

(Photo: Amigo; processing SZ)

The green-red coalition came up with many plans: How have the city council and authorities progressed in making life in Munich easier, for example in terms of housing or transport? Where is the problem and which projects have failed? An interactive overview.

Editorial concept: Heiner Effern and Anna Hoben, digital implementation: Katja Schnitzler

The green-red government in Munich’s town hall keeps what it has in its Coalition agreement has promised? That checks them SZ in the Munich tracker: It appeared for the first time in May 2021, when the Greens and the SPD ruled for a year. Every six months, the editors now follow up on 81 topics: Has the cycling decision already been implemented? Has the online citizen service really been improved? And what about the projects against high rents in Munich? What has happened in the past six months is revealed at first glance by the arrows: If you point upwards, Munich can look forward to progress, arrows on the side indicate little development or even standstill and arrows pointing downwards indicate a step backwards. For even more clarity: Simply click on the categories, then you will see roughly all 15 projects that have already been implemented – or the 13 that have failed.

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