Munich-Unterföhring: car poser at the gas station – district of Munich

Anyone who has the windows open on warm evenings in Unterföhring-Süd or sits on the balcony hears it again and again: a loud screeching of tires that sometimes doesn’t even stop. If you are wondering where this annoying noise comes from, Albert Bauer, the head of the police inspection in Ismaning, had an answer ready at the citizens’ meeting in Unterföhring – from the big roundabout at the Allguth petrol station, where motorists try their hand at drifting in high-powered vehicles .

According to him, a hotspot of the so-called poser scene has now developed there. “We’re trying to get that under control,” said Bauer. But apparently it’s not that easy. The police officers had managed to miss the “PS-protzen”, especially during the high phase of the corona pandemic, with a large number of reports for disregarding the mask requirement and distance rules, but for some time now the violations have been difficult to punish, the head of the inspection admitted .

In the past twelve months, 42 drivers, mostly young men in souped-up cars, have been reported for failing to comply with the pandemic-related requirements, says Bauer. In addition, four people were caught who sat behind the wheel while drunk, stopped a race and complained about cars that had been illegally “freshened up”.

In the past, according to Bauer, there have been several priority controls around the gas station with civilian colleagues and those of the traffic police. Nevertheless, the posers cannot really be driven away: if you drive past the petrol station at the M 3 in the evening, you can see that this is a popular meeting place for the scene. “Everything is parked there,” said his officials, reported Bauer and announced further checks.

Posing, i.e. showing off with expensive and above all high-horsepower vehicles, is not a Unterföhringer problem, but is spreading nationwide more and more. In Munich and the whole region, too, members of the scene meet again and again to make noise, to impress each other – and in the worst case to drive extremely risky races.

Only in July of last year did the Munich police catch just under 250 speeders in a concerted action. A Porsche driver was driving 149 things at a permitted 50 kilometers per hour.

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