Munich: Two teenagers sentenced to long prison terms for murder – Munich

The Munich I Regional Court has sentenced two young men to long prison sentences for murder in connection with a drug deal. According to a court spokesman, the Large Youth Chamber imposed eight and a half years’ imprisonment respectively on the 16 and 18 year olds at the time of the crime. The verdict is not yet final.

The young people had arranged to meet the victim, a man from Coburg, in an underground car park in the trade fair town of Riem in August 2022, allegedly to sell him marijuana. In fact, the two perpetrators had planned to rob the man, the court continued. As agreed, both defendants each had a knife with them when they committed the crime.

When the victim refused to hand over the money agreed upon as the purchase price, the young people stabbed him one after the other, seriously injuring him in the torso and back area. The perpetrators then fled, and the injured man died the following evening as a result of his injuries.

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