Munich: Tricksters bring senior to 70,000 euros – Munich

Two thieves stole cash and jewelery worth more than 70,000 euros from an elderly woman in Neuperlach. As the police report, shortly before 3 p.m. on Monday, two unknown men pushed their way into the stairwell when the 80-year-old woman opened her front door. They pretended to be officers from the State Criminal Police Office and claimed that the elderly woman’s apartment had been broken into.

When the woman opened her apartment door, one of the two perpetrators quickly entered the apartment in front of her and opened doors and cupboards to fake a burglary. In the presence of the woman, the perpetrators then searched together for valuables and cash, where they came across a safe. They asked the woman to open it. They then took cash, jewelry and gold bars from the safe. It was only when the alleged detectives had left that the woman found their behavior strange. She also noticed that her cell phone was gone. She informed a neighbor of the visit, who immediately dialed the police emergency number.

A search was unsuccessful. One of the two perpetrators is described as about 50 years old, 1.75 meters tall, fair skin, dark, short hair, without a beard, and speaking standard German. He was wearing a dark suit. The second perpetrator is said to have looked similar. The police are asking witnesses who have observed anything unusual in the area of ​​Karl-Marx-Ring, Ständler- and Heinrich-Wieland-Straße to call 089/2910-0.

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