Munich today – News from July 27th, 2022 – Munich

Do you have school-age children? Then you probably already know what’s coming up this weekend: The summer holidays are finally beginning! As is well known, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are the last federal states to go into the school summer break. For German travel this means: It will be full. In the air, on the rails and on the streets. After two long pandemic years with travel restrictions, people are excited to see the world again. You can’t blame them. The ADAC Südbayern is expecting one of the busiest weekends, Deutsche Bahn has increased its team by 700 employees nationwide for the summer months and Munich Airport is also increasing its staff for the start of the holidays.

But are all the efforts enough to give travelers a relaxed start to their vacation? Just recently, holidaymakers returning from the Canary Islands had to wait around 1.5 hours for their luggage at Munich Airport before they were finally sent home – without a suitcase. The reason: A thunderstorm led to delays in baggage delivery and the machines would no longer be unloaded. Added to this is the wage dispute at Lufthansa. The Verdi strike causes additional chaos just before the start of the holidays.

Munich Airport makes recommendations to its guests so that at least the start of their vacation goes smoothly: For example, find out about the entry requirements of the destination country and be at the terminal at least 2.5 hours before departure. According to the ADAC, those who start their holiday trip by car and are flexible should only start after the weekend.

Whether by plane, car or train – travelers who start their vacation at the beginning of their vacation must have one thing above all: strong nerves if it gets crowded or lasts longer.


Reiter warns of the failure of the second main route How expensive will the second tunnel be, when will it be finished? At Söder’s crisis summit on the S-Bahn, the train makes it again instead of creating more clarity for more confusion. Munich’s mayor considers this risky.

Federal government wants to compensate victims’ families after the 1972 Olympic attack – relatives call the offer “humiliating” After a “reassessment” by the Ministry of the Interior, the survivors of the Israeli athletes are to receive a further payment. But they reject the German offer.

Upgrade for inflation The city wants to arm itself for the consequences of inflation and build up reserves. In order to be able to make all the planned investments, however, further loans are also necessary.

Migration advisory boards are elected – and appointed However, the other parliamentary groups criticize the addition of “people involved in civil society” now being pushed through by the Greens and the CSU as “paternalism”.

Munich is serious about saving energy In the future, administration buildings will only be heated up to 19 degrees, historical buildings will no longer be illuminated, and traffic lights will be switched off temporarily. And the citizens should also be motivated by a premium to reduce their consumption.

“Guess who the newly elected IT officer and CDO of the city of Munich is?!” Laura Dornheim announces herself as the new city minister after an emotional debate via Twitter.



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To the counties: Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen | Dachau | Ebersberg | Erding | Freising | Fürstenfeldbruck | Munich | Starnberg

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