Munich today – News from 16.06.24 – Munich

A look back at the first weekend of the European Championship, how the young brewers were awarded their titles at Marienplatz today, a visit to the Ehrlich Brothers in the Olympiahalle and more.


“We are here to celebrate” Six European Championship matches will kick off in the Fröttmaninger Arena. The start is peaceful and cheerful. But the security authorities determine the risk for each match and, as a precaution, guide fans of different teams to different beer gardens (SZ Plus).

Free beer, Schäffler and the Münchner Kindl Every two years, several traditions come together on Brewers’ Day. For a city that owes its reputation not least to beer, the acquittal of young brewers is a highlight in the annual calendar.

Ehrlich Brothers in the Olympiahalle: Piff! Paff! Puff! They are the Mario Barths of magic. And yet the magician brothers manage to amaze at a television recording in Munich when they take off in an airboat. A visit (SZ Plus).

Message of peace before the football match Before their national team’s match against Romania this Monday, Ukrainians in Munich want to remind people that many athletes are fighting on the front lines for the freedom of their homeland. A prominent guest is also expected to attend the demonstration on Wittelsbacher Platz.

“Most people just didn’t take me seriously” Miou Heldt says that many queer young people know this feeling. She curated an exhibition which provides insight into the search for one’s own identity (SZ Plus).

How the city is realising a housing project in the Isar meadows The city council wants to build 600 new apartments in a green area in Freimann. The site of the former Floriansmühlbad will be accessible again – although no longer as a swimming pool (SZ Plus).

Obersendling: 72-year-old rams cars and advertising column

Berg am Laim: Escape from the police ends in garbage can shed

Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied: The west of Munich continues to grow


:“There is an extreme hype about the pink jersey”

The shirts cost 100 euros and up – and yet they are so popular that they are already in short supply at Sporthaus Schuster. Which other jerseys are popular and which are particularly hard to get hold of.

Interview by Catherine Hoffman


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