Munich: Three burglaries with high loot – Munich

Untersendling, Harlaching, Berg am Laim: Unknowns made big loot in Munich over the weekend. The police are looking for witnesses.

Unknown people made a lot of loot in three burglaries over the weekend in Munich. Between 4:40 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, they stole jewelry and cash worth more than 20,000 euros from an apartment on the third floor of an apartment building in Untersendling. Also on Saturday, between 2:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., one or more perpetrators broke into a single-family house in Harlaching. There, too, several rooms were searched for valuables. Jewelry worth more than $10,000 was stolen.

The perpetrators were even more violent on Sunday between 2 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. when they broke into a shisha bar in Berg am Laim. They broke open two slot machines in the guest room and stole more than a thousand euros in play money. In all cases, the perpetrators had entered the premises via the apartment doors and those of the restaurant.

The police are looking for witnesses who made observations in the Siegenburger Straße and Westpark (Sendling-Westpark), Geiselgasteig- and Seybothstraße (Harlaching) and Ampfing- and Berg-am-Laim-Straße (Berg am Laim) areas. Information on telephone 089/29 10-0.

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