Munich: This is how the Superbloom started in the Olympic Park – Munich

If Munich wants to celebrate, then it will rain this summer. The fans get soaking wet at the Superbloom, the festival has to be interrupted and not everyone feels well informed. For superstar Rita Ora, the thunderstorm passes in time.

You already know that this summer: when Munich wants to celebrate, it rains. At Helene Fischer’s mega giga superlative concert two weeks ago, the fans were breathless, but also soaking wet. At Robbie Williams’ the weather was more forgiving a week later, it didn’t rain until the last song. And this Saturday it was pouring again during the Superboom. So much so that the festival had to be suspended for an hour and a half.

These fans don’t want to let a few (or even a few more) raindrops spoil their good mood.

(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)

Festival: Is his make-up waterproof?

Is his make-up waterproof?

(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)

Festival: A rain dance?

A rain dance?

(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)

Due to the lousy weather there were one or the other line update, at least: Just in time for the performance of superstar Rita Ora (“Let You Love Me”) on the Superstage (on the Tollwood site), the thunderstorm had cleared. But her performance started half an hour late.

At around 4:30 p.m., the organizer had given bad weather information via loudspeaker announcements and informed them via their social channels: Please stay sheltered. At 7:00 p.m. the all-clear was given: it goes on.

Not everyone felt sufficiently informed: “We’ve been waiting for 2 hours and no information under the Olympic roof. Overflowing toilets, endless queues at the supply stands. Finally give us some information!!!”, commented one participant on Facebook. Others called the organization “catastrophic”, some still wanted to get rid of their tickets for Sunday: “If you are still looking forward to tickets, please contact me if necessary.”

Festival: After the storm, things continued with a delay, like here on the Neoneo Stage: in the audience of Umme Block.

After the storm, things continued with a delay, like here on the Neoneo Stage: in the audience of Umme Block.

(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)

Superbloom is the first major open-air event in the Olympic Park since the last “Rockavaria” in 2016. 120 program items in a dozen arenas, performed by musicians, artists, dancers, visual artists, comedians and scientists, should be on the weekend.

From 11 a.m. (there was still little going on, but the weather was still nice) to midnight, there were and are not only around 60 concerts by international, national and regional musicians on Saturday and Sunday, but also in eleven “Experience” areas also artists, dancers, visual artists, magicians, podcasters, children’s favorites, comedians, scientists and activists.

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(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)
Festival: undefined
(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)
Festival: undefined
(Photo: Florian Peljak/Florian Peljak)

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