Munich: The Westpark should be safer – Munich

From a citizens’ meeting in Sendling-Westpark in October, the city administration and local politics took away one thing in particular: The residents of the city district want orderly conditions on the site of the main attraction in their district. Wild barbecues, fights, drug consumption or the grouping of young people with dubious intentions in Westpark are a thorn in their side. The concerned citizens have found a hearing at the locally responsible district committee; the district committee deals intensively with measures that could help prevent serious problems from arising in the first place.

The local politicians are currently requesting “increased” controls over barbecues as well as compliance with other usage and behavioral rules by the municipal green area supervision and an external security service. The committee has also spoken out in favor of an increased police presence in Westpark, especially on weekends and at night. The police headquarters announced that it was already reacting to the growing problems with an increased presence.

Balancing act between nature and recreational use: There are constant conflicts in the Westpark.

(Photo: Robert Haas)

Actually, the zones in which you can sizzle are clearly marked. The fact that some people don’t stick to it and let grill steam rise wherever it suits them has long been a nuisance. The district committee believes that the malaise will not change without stricter controls. These are now to be promoted as well as a round table at which local politicians, city administration and security service come together to discuss the grievances in Westpark. After a brief discussion, the district council refrained from threatening fines because this would be a matter for the police.

The local politicians in Sendling-Westpark are taking a number of improvements into their own hands. Benches are to be renewed or additionally set up, as well as waste baskets. The district committee covers the costs from its own resources. The money left over from the previous budget year is enough for four seating areas and 19 waste bins. Locations for the additional park furniture are to be determined together with the horticulture department of the municipal building department. In addition, a frog pond is being renovated and the blind garden in the western part of the recreation facility is being rebuilt.

A working group headed by the equal opportunities officer Maria Hemmerlein (Greens) is currently examining how the security needs of women in Westpark could be met at night. Putting up street lights on one of the main avenues of the 60-acre recreational gem is one of the options discussed. The investigation runs under the title “Project Night Walk”.

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