Munich: “The story with the lamp” in the Pasinger factory – Munich

The Munich audience is otherwise used to them from the big stage or from television and film: the two very precise character developers Johannes Nussbaum from the Residenztheater and Vincent Redetzki from the Kammerspiele appear in a small production in the Pasing factory. The guest performance “The Story with the Lamp – Fragments of an Infinite Love” by Alexander Vaassen will be shown there at the invitation of the theater Much Ado About Nothing. And just because of the interplay of these two actors, whose performances are otherwise separated from Maximilianstraße, it will certainly be an exciting evening.

Alexander Vaassen came up with it, it’s his directorial thesis at Folkwang University. Here, Vaassen connects the fairy tale of the magic lamp with the question of how overdeveloped the concept of romantic, heteronormative love is. To do this, he lets a couple wish for endless love – and then steer into catastrophe. Christina Berger can be seen alongside Nussbaum and Redetzki.

The story with the lamp, Fri., March 31, and Sat., April 1, 8 p.m., Theater Much Ado About Nothing in the Pasinger Fabrik, August-Exter-Straße 1,

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