Munich: The story of a WG that has existed for 45 years – Munich

Sabrina Diekow and Manuel Boskamp live in a Schwabing community that has existed for 45 years. For a film project, the two have gathered four generations of residents around a table. A story about chaos, freedom – and Munich.

There is a pink lacquered piano in the hallway of the flat-sharing community. There is a letter in the piano, dated June 1, 1986: “This piano belongs to Angela B. I’m giving it to Jochen S. for safekeeping until I pick it up again.” Jochen, this is the founder of the WG. Angela never picked up the piano. She is just one of many who have left their mark here in this flat share not far from the Münchner Freiheit over the past few decades. Sabrina Diekow, 24, and Manuel Boskamp, ​​21, live there today. To mark the 45th anniversary, they brought four generations of residents back together and made a film about it.

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