Munich: The CSU wants more green – Munich

The CSU wants more green. The demand from the black faction in the town hall should not be understood as development aid for the town hall coalition. It is plant-based green that the CSU wants more of. Things are supposed to grow and bloom in places that the CSU considers to be “concrete deserts”. The town hall CSU is calling for systematic unsealing in an application package in the city council.

In order to avoid any green-black misunderstandings, the group sent photos. They show places like those named after Walter Sedlmayr in Feldmoching and after Rainer Werner Fassbinder in Arnulfpark; There is also a playground in Arnulfpark and a schoolyard on Berduxstrasse in Pasing. Depending on the design, you can see a lot of gravel, a lot of concrete, a lot of asphalt. “It is particularly annoying that even newly created play areas for children are more gray than green,” said the CSU. An area in Parkstadt Schwabing, at the intersection of Anni-Albers- and Lyonel-Feininger-Strasse, also “leads a desolate existence”. The Christian Socialists also consider Hohenzollernplatz in Schwabing and Mahatma-Ghandi-Platz in the new Freiham development area to be inhospitable areas.

The CSU demands that the city administration needs to “fundamentally rethink”. “Minimum standards” should be set in order to unseal places and improve the quality of stay, with seating and sufficient shade. This would also improve the city’s climate resilience. The more trees and green spaces there are in the city, the more likely the temperature rise caused by the climate crisis will be dampened.

The CSU parliamentary group outlines the path to a greener Munich. Not only floor areas but also wall areas should be planted. To protect against the heat, the CSU is also proposing completely new elements: plantable awnings. A Spanish company created these and they are already stretched over streets in Valladolid, with flowers and mosses growing on them. The CSU believes that this is good for the microclimate, and the sails are also a “visual eye-catcher”.

“A few individual trees in the concrete desert are not enough,” says Manuel Pretzl. The CSU parliamentary group leader combines his appeal for more green in the green-red governed city with a kick. “The city government likes to emphasize that there should be more space for everyone on our streets.” This space must also be designed well, demands Pretzl, alluding to the traffic experiment on Kolumbusstrasse, where temporary playgrounds were created and car parking spaces were eliminated. “Before you fill up streets with sand, it’s better to take care of the places that already exist.”

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