Munich: the city advertises the European Football Championship – Munich

A year from now, on June 14, 2024, the opening game of the men’s European Football Championship will take place in Munich. It remains to be seen whether the national team will have enough time to get into tournament form by then. Because a total of six games will take place in the Fröttmaninger Arena, including a semi-final, the city is already busy promoting the European Championship.

On Wednesday, among others, Ingo Wortmann, head of the Munich Transport Company (MVG), sports mayor Verena Dietl (SPD) and referee Felix Brych, who acts as ambassador for the host city, presented a tram and a bus with the Euro 2024 logo. They’ll be cruising around town until the tournament starts.

During the tournament, MVG will then probably use 30 buses for shuttle lines. There will be a “Fan Zone” in the Olympic Park. The pairings and times for the tournament will be determined on December 2nd, 2023. As a “cosmopolitan city with a heart”, one wants to celebrate a great and sustainable football festival with the international audience, said Verena Dietl. Anyone who would like to work as a volunteer, i.e. as a helper at the tournament, can register at apply.

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