Munich: The beginning of “radically young” at the Volkstheater – Munich

The “Radikal Jung” festival brings the work of young directors to Munich and shows that something is coming at the theaters, even if some stalls hurt – and the topic of age gives food for thought.

It starts with aging. Cheerful and delicate. It sounds a bit funny that the “Radikal Jung” festival is also starting like this. And also sad at times. “Dialogue” is the name of the production with which the festival for young directors started on Thursday in the Volkstheater. The text is by Peter Handke, now 80 years old, so it’s a bit of a young thing. It was staged by Rieke Süsskow, in her early 30s, who brought this mix of ages, 80 and 30, onto the stage. It’s an evening that makes you think about being really old. However, it is rarely as drastic as it was at the opening of the festival.

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