Munich: Subsidy for low-income families to start school – Munich

Everything is getting more expensive, including school supplies. The city therefore supports families with low incomes at the beginning of the school year with a subsidy of 100 euros. The holiday senate of the city council decided on Wednesday. Around 5,000 children and young people in Munich could benefit from this, at a cost to the city of half a million euros. Eligible are families whose income is below the risk of poverty threshold, but who are not entitled to basic security and the associated benefits for education and participation. The application for the lump sum can be made immediately and no later than November 30th in the responsible community center. The one to be filled out The form can be called up at under the keyword “Cost subsidy for school supplies”..

Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) was “a little disappointed” that the income limit could not be raised a little. Social officer Dorothee Schiwy (SPD) explained that the municipality could pay out such voluntary benefits “only in exceptional cases”. CSU/Free Voters and FDP/Bavarian Party voted against; the CSU originally demanded that all families receive the subsidy for their children, regardless of income.

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