Munich: Stephan Zinner stops as a Söder double on the Nockherberg – Munich

For 15 years, Stefan Zinner was the acclaimed Söder actor in the political Derblecken on the Nockherberg. Now he stops. Why? A conversation about steep assists that the Bavarian Prime Minister delivers – with a lot of no’s and a bit of outrage.


Philipp Crone, Munich

Stefan Zinner, 47, played him in poses and roles that even Markus Söder would probably not have thought of. Actor and cabaret artist Zinner was Söder’s double for 15 years in the political Derblecken on the Nockherberg, until a brief message came from Paulaner on Tuesday that Zinner was stopping. The most popular and celebrated character in any Singspiel. Why? Zinner tells the story with the utmost looseness and convincing amusement, except for a brief, serious moment.

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