Munich: Social Department calls for street workers for Freiham – Munich

Street workers go where it burns. Where rival groups meet, where violence threatens, where aggressive behavior is feared. But street work can also help prevent conflicts from escalating in the first place. The city youth welfare office takes the line that “violent manifestations in children, adolescents and young adults can at least be reduced in advance through preventive, low-threshold and, above all, subsequent and flexible offers”.

Social officer Dorothee Schiwy therefore supported the request of the Aubinger district committee from the start to get a street work position for Freiham. “Based on experience, for example in Messestadt-Riem, preventive action in such a large new development area is absolutely necessary,” she said months ago.

So far, however, the city council has not approved this position. But Schiwy does not give up: Because the social department “continues” to see the need, the authority now wants to register a street work position for Freiham in the key data decision for 2024. In addition to the almost four full-time positions that already exist in the districts of Pasing-Obermenzing, Allach-Untermenzing and Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied.

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