Munich: Several robberies within a few days in the English Garden – police are looking for stuff – Munich

As the days get longer, the number of evening visitors to the English Garden increases. And with it that of crimes. The Munich Police Department 21 reported three robberies from the past eleven days on Thursday. Among others, it affected a 31-year-old from the Kassel area who was attacked near the Schwabinger Bach on Friday last week. He lost his cell phone and was slightly injured.

Five males are said to have knocked the man down shortly after he met a young woman. After the attack, the woman disappeared without a trace, a police spokesman reported. The incident occurred around 9 p.m. The victim was able to free himself and escape. Passers-by helped him call the police.

Nearby, on the corner of Biedersteiner and Gunezrainerstrasse, a 54-year-old Munich woman was attacked by three men six days earlier at around 8 p.m. The trio first asked for cigarettes, then suddenly one of the men tried to snatch the woman’s handbag. The 54-year-old fell to the ground, sustaining minor injuries to her knees.

Two previously unknown men came to the woman’s aid. The perpetrators fled with the handbag. They should be between 20 and 25 years old. Her victim remembered wearing a red and a blue baseball cap. The police hope that the two courageous helpers in particular will come forward as witnesses.

The latest incident occurred on Wednesday around 10:30 p.m. Three women, 19, 22 and 23 years old, from Munich and the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district were threatened by two young people from a larger group of people near the Monopteros. The attackers had a knife and a glass bottle in their hands and demanded money from their victims.

According to the police, the two perpetrators, who are said to be around 16 years old, then fled west across the Schwabinger Bach. One of the men is described as tall and strong, with a mustache and dressed in black. His accomplice was tall and lanky. He spoke German with a foreign accent and had a fanny pack and a beige Gucci baseball cap on his head.

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