Munich: Serenade Concert in the Old Court Church of the Residenz – Munich

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart once presented his early piano concertos and the “Missa Brevis” in the Alte Hofkapelle of the Residenz. An atmospheric place, especially with great acoustics, for the Residenz Serenades, a concert series by Bavaria Klassik, which can be experienced there every Saturday, beginning at 6:30 p.m., with weekly changing programs.

On Saturday, August 12, the soloists in residence will once again present classical masterpieces for beginners and enthusiasts, from Bach to Vivaldi, Handel, Haydn, Beethoven and Schubert to Mozart.

Residenz Serenade, Hofkapelle of the Residenz Munich, 12 Aug., 6.30 p.m., tickets at the box office or at München Ticket

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