Munich: September festival at the start of the season of the Bavarian State Opera – Munich

Bad luck with the weather at the opening weekend of the new season of the Bavarian State Opera: While “Opera for All” was still taking place in Rosenheim on Friday evening and the audience in rain gear could warm up at the concert with the State Orchestra under Daniele Rustioni and the two soloists Sonya Yoncheva and Freddie De Tommaso, the UniCredit September Festival in the Kaiserhof of the Residenz had to be largely cancelled. After all, there was the costume flea market, and members of the opera studio sang in the Fünf Höfe on Saturday. The events in the National Theater and in the Cuvilliéstheater could also take place. It continues on Wednesday, September 21, with the opera “Peter Grimes” with Jonas Kaufmann in the title role. More under

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