Munich: Results in the districts – Munich

In the districts around Munich, the CSU has won all direct mandates with ease. The forecasts for the region have thus been confirmed. This also applies to the losses in the second vote. In the bacon belt of the Bavarian capital, voters have put the Christian Socials on a political diet. The Bavaria-wide trend is reflected in all constituencies, according to which the CSU had 32.5 percent of the vote at the counting state at 9:35 p.m. The SPD and the Greens can grow anywhere and in some counties are head-to-head for second place. The Greens achieved the best result in the districts of Starnberg and Munich, where they achieved 19 percent. In the district of Munich, the SPD is the front runner in the region with 17.3.

Six direct candidates from the region will be represented in the new Bundestag. This is due to the design of the constituencies. Accordingly, the districts of Dachau and Fürstenfeldbruck as well as Ebersberg and Erding each elected joint candidates. The Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district forms a joint constituency with the Miesbach district and in Starnberg, votes are taken with Landsberg am Lech.

Florian Hahn was elected in the district of Munich, Katrin Staffler for Dachau and Fürstenfeldbruck, Andreas Lenz for Ebersberg and Erding, Erich Irlstorfer for Freising, Michael Kießling for Starnberg and Alexander Radwan for Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen. But candidates from the SPD and the Greens can still hope to move into the Bundestag via the list. The jubilation at the election parties was correspondingly high.

The supporters of the CSU were less in a celebratory mood. The Fürstenfeldbruck district administrator Thomas Karmasin (CSU) commented on the crash of the Union for the first projection at 6 p.m. dryly: “It could be worse.” The CSU politician is relieved that it won’t be enough for red-red-green. “It takes a load off your heart.”

The fact that the celebrity factor does not always catch on with voters was evident in the Munich district at the beginning of the vote count. CSU candidate Florian Hahn was clearly ahead of Anton Hofreiter from the Greens from the start. Hofreiter does not have to worry about his political future, however, he will move into the new Bundestag via the list. The parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag reported from Berlin in the evening, naturally focusing on the performance of his party at the federal level: “It’s the best we’ve ever achieved, now we have to make the best of it,” said Hofreiter, referring to Climate protection and social cohesion.

Regarding his performance in the district of Munich, where his result leveled off at 21 percent, the Unterhachinger said: “Eight years ago the CSU was still over 50 percent. So I can be satisfied.”

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