Munich: “Reichsbürger” threatens police officers with knives – Munich

A so-called “Reichsbürger” threatened several police officers with a knife while searching his apartment in Munich on Thursday, triggering a major operation. The 63-year-old had become increasingly aggressive and had no longer shown himself to be accessible to the officials, the police said.

He is also said to have prevented the emergency services from leaving the apartment in Munich-Steinhausen with a knife. With the support of other notified emergency services and with the help of a distance electro pulse device, the man was finally arrested. He should be brought before an investigating judge on Thursday afternoon to clarify the detention issue.

According to the information, he is being investigated for, among other things, deprivation of liberty and resistance to law enforcement officers. According to the police, an investigation into extortion is pending against the man – that is why his apartment was searched.

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