Munich real estate market: If you can’t buy, you have to rent – that becomes a problem for everyone – Munich

Spending the summer in your own garden, getting a dog without asking the landlord for permission, painting the walls as funny as you want – the dream of owning your own home remains unbroken. According to a survey by a large real estate agency, eight out of ten people in Germany want to have their own house or apartment. Anyone who wants to fulfill this dream in Munich or the surrounding area has long known that it is not easy. And it won’t get any easier, as the market research institute of the Real Estate Association of South Germany (IVD) predicts quite bleakly in its regional report presented on Tuesday. At first one would like to assume the opposite. After years of constant price increases, the IVD for Munich and the surrounding districts has recorded a trend reversal for the first time since spring 2023.

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