Munich: Reading by Gert Heidenreich – Munich

“La mer” – not only the French singer Charles Trenet sang about the eternally rushing sea in an immortally beautiful chanson. Gert Heidenreich also dedicates a large song to him: his long poem is called “Das Meer” (library of the province); In it, the writer, journalist and speaker, who, in addition to his main residence near Munich, spends a lot of time in his second home in Normandy, pays homage to the Atlantic. For him it is “the lady of the sea”: “You see, madame”, he addresses her at the beginning, “I came back to your shore. / The unfolded earth of the Alps / couldn’t keep me away in the long run”. At a reading in the Lyrik Kabinett, Heidenreich will certainly explain why this is so – this “forty-year longing for that outside / where I dreamed of going without a sail”.

Gert Heidenreich: “The Sea”, reading, Wednesday, January 11, 7 p.m., Poetry Cabinet, Amalienstraße 83,

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