Munich: Partial success for unions in collective bargaining – Munich

The employees of the Munich transport company receive an improvement in the company pension scheme and more vacation days. The talks are still going on, Verdi does not rule out another warning strike.


Andrew Schubert

The Verdi trade union, together with the DBB civil servants’ union and the collective bargaining union, achieved a partial success in collective bargaining with the municipal employers’ association (KAV). From January 1, 2024, the collective agreement for local transport (TV-N) Bavaria will also apply to the employees of the Munich transport company (MVG). Up to now, they have been remunerated according to the TV MVG in-house tariff.

For employees, this means, among other things, an improvement in company pension schemes and more vacation days. “But the offer also goes to our financial pain limit,” says Werner Albrecht, SWM Managing Director Human Resources and chief negotiator on the employer side. “The transfer of TV MVG to TV-N Bayern alone will cost us around five million euros in the first year.”

The TV MVG will be extended one last time for 2023. First, the MVG must join the KAV. The specific adjustments for this period are currently being worked out and will be based on the results of the negotiations on the collective agreement for the public sector and TV-N Bayern.

The third round of talks for TV-N is scheduled for March 30th. The MVG and tariff commission will continue to negotiate about the TV MVG on April 3rd.

While MVG boss Ingo Wortmann assumes that the MVG will no longer be on strike “due to the good atmosphere of the talks and the prospect of deals”, Verdi union secretary Franz Schütz does not rule out another warning strike. The inclusion of the MVG employees in TV-N was a “huge success,” he says. Nevertheless, it is still about higher incomes for the staff. Verdi demands an increase of 10.5 percent and at least 500 euros more.

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