Munich: No water, no heating – dispute over two house renovations escalates – Munich

Tenants on Klenzestraße have been stuck in two buildings in need of renovation for months. They fear being evicted; the owners speak of urgently needed construction work. The case has long been before the courts.

When it comes to business, a harsh wind blows through trendy Munich residential streets. But what is currently happening in the Gärtnerplatzviertel is probably beyond the scope of the usual. For three months, a handful of residents have been stuck in a renovation construction site at Klenzestraße 15 without water or heating because the owners and tenants cannot agree on replacement apartments or severance payments. Further south, at Klenzestraße 47, the same owner couple wants to renovate another aging residential building, some suspect: luxury renovation. There, too, tenants resist and accept unreasonable conditions in return.

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