Munich: Nine years in prison for stitches on ex-partner and acquaintances – Munich

After a knife attack on his ex-partner and an acquaintance of the woman, the Munich I district court sentenced a 36-year-old to nine years in prison. According to the Enlarged Criminal Court, the accused wanted to use this act to punish both his former partner, with whom he has two children, and her acquaintances for allegedly entering into an intimate relationship, as the court announced on Wednesday. The jury found it particularly reprehensible that he wanted to deny the woman the right to enter into a new relationship.

The woman, who was injured by several knife cuts, wanted to lead “a free, self-determined life” – the accused wanted to deny her that, according to a court spokesman, the prosecutor said in her plea. The victim was also threatened by the man’s family. The prosecutor also slammed the woman’s family for siding with the accused and accusing the victim of “it was her own fault” for “whoring around”.

The 38-year-old comes “from a Turkish family in which traditions, religious rules, patriarchy count,” said the prosecutor, according to the court spokesman. The now convicted man came to his former partner’s apartment in May 2022, where their two children were also staying. When an acquaintance of the woman opened the door, the attacker suspected that he had a relationship with the woman and attacked him with his fists.

When the woman intervened, the man first hit her with his fists before he grabbed a kitchen knife with a blade length of 14 centimeters. He made several cuts in the woman’s neck and stabbed the acquaintance in the abdomen, puncturing two organs. After that, he left the apartment without providing assistance. The judgment pronounced on Tuesday for attempted murder for base motives and dangerous bodily harm to the acquaintance and dangerous bodily harm to the ex-partner is not yet final.

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