Munich: New investigations against the former theater director Pekny – Munich

It was only in July that Thomas Pekny, former director of the comedy at the Bayerischer Hof, was acquitted of the allegation of abuse. But at least one other woman reported sexual assault during the trial.

Against Thomas Pekny, the former managing director of the comedy in the Bayerischer Hof, is apparently being investigated again for sexual abuse. Anne Leiding, spokeswoman for the Munich I Public Prosecutor’s Office, confirmed in response to a request that there was a new procedure, but did not want to give any details: “We are not commenting on ongoing investigations.” As the Bild-Zeitung reported, Pekny’s private house as well as the premises of the comedy and the office of a touring company were searched by the criminal police at the weekend.

The 69-year-old Pekny was only acquitted of the allegation of abuse by the district court in July. At the time, the public prosecutor’s office had charged him with sexual assault in unity with violation of the very personal sphere of life through taking pictures as well as serious sexual abuse of inconsistent persons. Pekny, according to the allegation, is said to have approached drunk women on three occasions during the Oktoberfest in 2015 and 2016, taking them to the rehearsal rooms of his theater and taking intimate photos and videos while they slept.

A former partner of Peknys discovered the pictures on his cell phone; she had also filed a complaint. The judge expressly stated in his judgment: “This is not an acquittal for lack of evidence.” It just could not be ruled out beyond any doubt that the women “consented to sexual acts”.

At least one other woman reported sexual assault by Pekny during the trial. Apparently that was the trigger for the new investigation.

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