Munich: New bike path in the Au – Munich

Better cycling in the Au: This Wednesday, the mobility committee wants to decide on a new cycle path in Zeppelinstraße, which largely corresponds to the guidelines of the cycling decision. On a 400 meter long section between Rosenheimer Strasse and Kreuzplätzchen, a four and a half meter wide two-way cycle path is planned, as well as a one meter wide safety strip. The roadway, which is currently four and a half meters wide, will be narrowed to 3.50 metres.

The two lanes of the southbound one-way street will be retained, as will the sidewalk and 50 parking spaces on the east side of the street. On the Isar side, however, 80 parking spaces will have to be eliminated for the cycle path. Around 30 new bicycle parking spaces are planned at the junctions of Schwarzstraße and Kreuzplätzchen. In the future, a public bus will also drive along Zeppelinstraße and stop at the Zenneckbrücke.

The project is expected to cost between 1.6 and two million euros. The conversion is necessary because the Isarradweg is one of the most important north-south connections, according to the city council proposal. 7,000 cyclists are on the road here every day, compared to only 3,500 cars. However, the economic department rejects the deletion of the parking spaces and fears that traffic jams could form behind garbage trucks on the future narrower road. The Mobility Department counters this argument with the argument that the safety benefits of cycling outweigh the disadvantages and that trucks can already only be overtaken in a few places.

So that residents will not have too much trouble looking for a parking space in the future, 117 all-day resident parking spaces are to be designated between Ludwigsbrücke and Paulanerplatz. Where delivery vehicles should stop in the future, the administration wants to check in consultation with the district committee.

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