Munich: Minor threatens to use a blank gun – Munich

A New Year’s Eve party in a hotel complex in Bogenhausen ended abruptly with a fight, threats with a blank gun and lots of police. As the police reported, a 17-year-old unknown man threatened to commit crimes with a pistol around 6 a.m. The officers arrived with several patrols.

Two groups of people got into an argument. Five to six unknown people argued with three hotel guests, two women and a man between 19 and 23 years old. The 23-year-old was hit in the face and fell to the ground and was kicked. One of the people in the group, probably 17 years old, also threatened him with a blank pistol. The unknown man fled the hotel with his companions.

The 23-year-old’s companions also received blows in the face. The injuries and bruises were treated on site by an emergency service.

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