Munich: Mayor Dieter Reiter wants to cancel the New Year’s fireworks – Munich

Munich’s Lord Mayor wants to cancel the New Year’s Eve fireworks this year. “Probably there won’t be any bangs in Munich,” said Dieter Reiter on Bayerischer Rundfunk. He has firm plans to “no longer do the topic of fireworks and firecrackers in Munich this year”. That will be the next thing that the city will implement.

The mayor shares the will to cancel the New Year’s Eve with other city councilors. The ban is intended to help minimize contacts on New Year’s Eve and avoid injuries when the rockets and firecrackers burn down, which could subsequently put additional strain on the hospitals in Munich.

Last year there was a nationwide sales ban for pyrotechnics. The district administration department reported at the time that there would be no New Year’s Eve in public spaces. Various cities had also launched a general ban on firecrackers, including on private property, but had failed legally. The fact that the bright and popping New Year’s greetings turned out to be very manageable was also due to the night curfew that applied at the time.

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