Munich: Matthias Tschöp, head of the Helmholtz Center, in an interview – Munich

When it comes to communicating scientific knowledge to the public, Matthias Tschöp, head of the Helmholtz Center, thinks there is still a lot of room for improvement. He wants to make Munich the “capital of science communication”. But how, for example with science fiction?

Interviewed by

Susanne Hermanski

Matthias Tschöp bears the title Prof. Dr. medical dr hc. He is the scientific director at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and what is called a top researcher. Born in Munich, he is a neuroendocrinologist, i.e. an expert on the hormone and nervous system, holds a visiting professorship at Yale and, as an Alexander von Humboldt Professor, heads the Department of Metabolic Diseases at the Technical University in Munich. He is also the founding director of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus . In the past few years of the pandemic, the 55-year-old has occasionally had the feeling that science is at its wits end. Not in terms of medicine, but on the way to communicating it to all sections of the population.

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