Munich Mash returns to the Olympiapark after a two-year break – Munich

Marion Schöne has a lot of reasons to be happy at the moment. People have been thirsty for more than two years, says the managing director of Olympiapark München GmbH (OMG) on a tour of the site, and as is well known, the pandemic had paralyzed operations. But now it’s buzzing again in the park, the Rolling Stones were there, The doctors and the dead pants. And now people are jumping, flying and racing in the park again, because the Munich Mash action sports festival is back on stage from Friday to Sunday after a two-year forced break. It is, so to speak, a dress rehearsal for the European Championships, says Schöne – the multi-European championship that will soon be looking for continental champions in nine sports (11th to 21st August) 50 years after the Olympic Games in Munich.

But the younger generation in particular is only brought to the park when the world’s best skateboarders, BMX riders and wakeboarders compare themselves in the park. The organizer can rely on the tried and tested, as Markus Schnetzer explains, who is responsible for the organization together with Frank Seipp: “There was little reason to change the organization much, we are rather building on our successful concept.” The idea is as simple as it is successful, action sports at the highest level, plus a scene-typical environment with the so-called Mash-Fest, no entry fee, lots of fun. There are numerous stands, art, culture and hands-on offers on many action areas. “The spirit and lifestyle of action sports come together,” explains OMG press officer Tobias Kohler. Food trucks, a chill-out area for relaxation and the Cultural Village complete the offer, and a total of 18 bands will perform on a stage on the roof of the Small Olympic Hall.

For the first time, women will start in all contests, with the same prize money

With this colorful offer, Munich Mash, which has been managed by OMG since 2014, has developed into an entertaining spectacle for all age groups that attracts masses of people to the Olympic Park. At the most recent event two years ago, 80,000 spectators streamed into the park. It remains to be seen whether the numbers after the forced pandemic break will be similar, says the organizer, but the weather should definitely play into the hands of the OMG. The Olympiapark benefits from the fact that no employees have had to be laid off, as Olympiapark boss Schöne proudly reports. While the event industry was desperately looking for specialists, the OMG has been able to go to full length since the pandemic measures were relaxed and major events are possible again.

What can now be admired in the park: A mini ramp landscape was built on a platform in the lake in front of the lawn steps next to the Theatron, replacing the roller coaster from 2019. He had led the skateboarders on a route with steep curves and jumps from a ramp at the Olympic Stadium to the lake. This time the athletes will show their daring jumps and tricks on several ramps in the lake – and this ramp island will also be used by the BMX cracks . The wakeboarders let off steam as usual on the lower Olympiasee, where they can be pulled over the obstacles by a mobile lift at speeds of up to 40 km/h. Incidentally, these “obstacles” were developed by three female wakeboarders, the previous time it was the male colleagues.

Whereby one would be with the big innovation of the Mash 2022: For the first time in all three contests athletes will be part of the game, which has long been a special concern of Olympiapark Managing Director Schöne: “I am particularly pleased, because I am an absolute advocate of equality.” The prize money is therefore also the same, adds Schöne. Beside her, wakeboarder Julia Rick listens, then the 2019 winner smiles and says, “Oh, I didn’t know that.”

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