Munich: Markus Söder for Oktoberfest 2022 – Munich

Unlike in the past pandemic years, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder expects good chances for the Oktoberfest 2022. He is convinced that the Oktoberfest must take place “at least from a legal point of view,” said the CSU leader on Thursday at the start of the Ludwig Erhard summit in Gmund am Tegernsee.

Next week, the city of Munich wants to decide whether the Oktoberfest can take place this year after a two-year Corona break. An exact date for the decision has not yet been set, said a spokeswoman for Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) on Wednesday. Several media reported about it.

If the green light is given, it could be said again for the first time on September 17th on the Theresienwiese: “Ozapft is”. The festival would then last until October 3rd. In the past two years, the Oktoberfest had been canceled due to the corona pandemic. In the more than 200-year history of the folk festival, there were longer breaks only in times of war.

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