Munich Literature Festival 2023: What remains of the hustle and bustle – Munich

The Munich Literature Festival promoted exchanges about books and the world over almost three weeks. However, one or two questions, including those regarding the organizational structure, remain open.

What books have to say is not just on paper. It comes to life in everyone’s imagination – and in conversations with others. In order to intensify this exchange, there are festivals like the Munich Literature Festival, which is entering its final spurt this weekend with a hustle and bustle: with a market for independent publishers in the Literaturhaus, a “prom ball” in the Monacensia literary archive and an appearance by historian Christopher Clark at the book show in the House of Art. In the almost three weeks before, the festival in its thirteen and a half edition (according to the strange way of counting at the opening due to the pandemic) once again contributed a lot to the fact that paper knowledge developed into a lively discourse.

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