Munich: Lecture series Limits of artistic freedom – Munich

Art is free, art is allowed to do everything – that’s not entirely true. Art has limitations that should be discussed. And not only in the context of heated debates about “Cancel Culture”. There needs to be a scientific dialogue on freedom of art and expression – a dialogue that is conducted by experts instead of being driven by social media.

For this reason, the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts is launching a series of lectures: seven pleas about artistic freedom and its limits from a legal, philosophical and cultural perspective. Get started Stefan Korioth, lecturer in public law at the LMU, on May 17th. His lecture is dedicated to the Basic Law. This says: “Art and science, research and teaching are free” – but other legal provisions contradict this. Blurring boundaries and the right balance will be discussed this evening and in the two months that follow. On a total of seven dates, the last of which was on July 10th.

Lecture series: Limits to artistic freedom?, Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, Max-Joseph-Platz 3, Lectures begin on May 17, 7 p.m., further dates open

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