Munich-Land: Florian Hahn remains CSU district chairman – Munich district

For the first time in three years, the delegates from all parts of the district met again – 175 voters came from all 29 district municipalities. And so there was a sense of joy among the Christian Socialists – more or less great, depending on mutual sympathy. In any case, the great tension did not arise on Monday evening in the Landgasthof Schmuck in the Sauerlach district of Arget. On the one hand, this was due to the fact that the election results for top personnel were very clear. And on the other hand, there was a trick at the top of the CSU district association, which largely blocked out chance: Well-tempered candidate groups came to the vote, balanced according to regional aspects and also in terms of gender and age. There were no contest candidates.

The CSU district chairman, member of the Bundestag Florian Hahn from Putzbrunn, also had little to fear without opposing candidates. And it came as expected: Of the 159 valid votes cast, 146 were in favor of Hahn, and 13 delegates voted against him. A whopping result of 91.8 percent. The Unterhachinger member of the state parliament Kerstin Schreyer, who was defeated by Hahn in a contest vote for the district presidency in 2015, was the first to congratulate.

The treasurer has fled to Chile – but only on vacation

The front guard of the district CSU had appeared almost entirely in Arget, District Administrator Christoph Göbel, for example, led the evening as election officer. Only the former district chief Ernst Weidenbusch was missing from the elected officials, who, in his capacity as chairman of the Bavarian Hunting Association (BJV), apologized because his re-election should take place on Saturday and on Monday at the same time “a district meeting in Franconian” took place, as Hahn announced , without evaluating this prioritization. A few delegates were absent due to a current corona infection, but treasurer Volker Rhein of all people had left for Santiago de Chile – of course only on vacation. Nevertheless, his long-distance journey caused amusement.

And so it went through the agenda harmoniously and despite the pandemic without fear of contact. In his review, which covered the past three years, Hahn also recalled the 2021 federal election campaign and his rivalry with the Sauerlach Green Anton Hofreiter. At that time, shortly before the election, there was “also media pressure” because Hofreiter was said to have been close to him in the polls: “And then we won by a margin of 19.5 percent,” Hahn exclaimed to the applause of his party friends.

Ulrike Beck and Katrin May receive the Silver Diamond for their loyal service to the party

Security expert Hahn also addressed the war in Ukraine, who even quoted SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz (“Zeitenwende”) and praised the 100 billion euro package for upgrading the Bundeswehr: “We only have security when Putin knows who he messes with when he reaches out to EU or NATO territory.”

After the squad of deputy district chairmen (Maximilian Böltl, Karin Hobmeier, Stefan Kern, Marianne Hellhuber, Nicola Gehringer), treasurer (Volker Rhein), secretary (Annabella Wunsch) and digital officer (Stefan Krimmer) as well as 18 other board members and two cash auditors , had been put into office for only one year due to the corona-related postponement of the election (the next assembly with elections will take place as early as 2023), there were two other special honors: For the first time, the district association awarded the “Silver Diamond”, which was awarded by the party 2015: The Sauerlacherin Ulrike Beck and Katrin May from Feldkirchen received the award for their decades of activity in the party in various offices, Hahn described them as “heart blood CSU members without ideology, but with common sense”.

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