Munich: Kiosk in Riem robbed – 1000 euros loot – Munich

During a robbery at a kiosk in Riem, the perpetrator stole cash amounting to 1,000 euros. As the police report, the man entered the store on Selma-Lagerlöf-Strasse on Friday around 6:20 p.m. and initially pretended to look around.

As the clerk was cashing out another customer, the man stepped behind the counter and pushed the clerk, causing her to fall to the floor. He was holding a sharp-edged object in his hand, probably a diamond grinding wheel for an angle grinder.

The man reached into the open cash register and took out 1,000 euros. Then he fled towards Riem. The police, who immediately began searching, soon arrested a 30-year-old Munich man who was suspected of being the perpetrator. He was questioned as a suspect and then released.

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