Munich: Information is destroyed in this hall – Munich

Sensitive data, secret files, hard drives: At the Datenmühle company, all of this is destroyed. Visiting a shredding plant, which only rarely allows a glimpse.


Philip Crones

A sperm whale woke up in the hall. At least that’s what it sounds like, the subwoofer-deep murmur when the 30-meter-long machine starts up, picking up a waist-high mountain of folders full of paper, foil and iron clips, crushing them, pounding them and pressing them into a square sausage that is pushed out again at the end . One-meter-long confetti blocks are then cut off, each weighing 500 kilograms. P3 size confetti cubes, after all the hall is in Germany, in the DIN country. More precisely in Aubing. The hall belongs to the Datenmühle company – and people are rarely allowed to look inside.

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